The first stage of the doctoral qualification exam will take place on Monday, December 18, 2023, at 10:00 in 101 (Civil Engineering Computer Laboratory) for all candidates.
For candidates who succeed in the written exam, the oral exam will be held on Wednesday, December 20, at 16:30 in the Civil Engineering Department Meeting Room.
Students preparing to take the Doctoral Qualification Exam are responsible for the undergraduate/graduate courses in the relevant field of study.
The qualification exam consists of a total of 7 questions, including 2 optional questions.
One question from the Numerical Methods/Ordinary Differential Equations courses is a mandatory common question for all branches of science.
2024-2025 Fall Semester Schedules of Finals (DRAFT)
Attention to Students Enrolled in the İM473-CE473 Course
2024-2025 Fall Semester Midterm Exam Schedules (22/11/2024)
Attention to Students Enrolled in the İM473-CE473 Course
Civil Engineering Department Wednesday Seminars
2024-2025 Fall Semester Weekly Course Schedules (UPDATED 30.10.2024)
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